Cheese Festival – Ok so for the first 3+ hours sitting in a cramped bus, I was sort of starting to regret my program’s visit to La Seu d’Urgell (this little town in the Pyrenees). But, once we got into the mountains we were treated to some stunning views of peaks, valleys, woods, rocks, and rivers.. Here’s a good example of the scenery:
Then, the cheese festival and sprawling market that covered the majority of the town were sweet... I tried a couple dozen kinds of cheese from around the region.. especially enjoyed queso fresco and some type of goat cheese. The other vendors around town sold everything from olives to boots to tea, and it was great fun to mosey around.. All in all, the town really made me feel like I wasn’t the tourist that I TOTALLY AM!
Sagrada Familia – Yesterday I finally got to see the inside of this famous church. It was pretty ridiculous – the sweeping spires, towering pillars, and singularly Gaudí forms that we saw inside the sanctuary were absorbing to say the least. However, the elevator trip up into one of the spires was the coolest part.. We got some incredible views of the city, and were able to see the fruit bowls and other architectural details close up. Word on the street is that building is scheduled for a 2026 completion date (construction began in 1882); knowing Spain, anything could happen, but I’ve already resolved to check out the finished product at some point in the future.
Ice Skating – I went for the first time in at least 8 years.. At first, my legs were a little wobbly, but then I started to get more comfortable and had a lot of fun. The hour & change of skating left me with some blisters on my ankles, but it was worth it.
FC Barca – Back on track with a 2-1 comeback win over Valencia! Heyoo.. We’re still a point behind Real Madrid, but I’m feeling good about our prospects after that big win.
Language & Culture – Spanish professors rep MAD pit stains. They are also often late for class. Sometimes they don’t show up to class and no one knows why, but it’s just accepted as normal. I learned today that bien isn’t a suitable answer to every question; sometimes, an intelligent response is required when the teacher calls on you. Aaand my Spanish is pretty fickle: occasionally I feel like a total n00b, and then sometimes it’s like “Hey I’m bilingual son!”
George Muller – You probably haven’t heard of him, but this guy is straight baller. I just finished his autobiography this week.. In a nutshell, it was a collection of his diary entries that chronicle the amazing work God did through Muller’s orphanage ministry. Over the course of 24 years, and by relying solely on prayer and faith, Muller and his team established 117 schools, cared for 10,000 orphans, received more than 50,000 specific responses to prayer, distributed 285,407 Bibles, and were entrusted with the equivalent of 90 million pounds in today's British currency. And the crazy thing is that he/they never asked for donations or solicited funds for the work.. Over and over, he and his team would have literally no money, or no coal, or no bread (despite being in charge of hundreds of orphans), and Muller would pray.. and then money or food or whatever would come in just when it was really needed. He relied completely on God for both his ministry’s means (all their money came voluntary gifts) and direction in his life.. he trusted God just like a child would his dad. It’s the most inspirational book I’ve ever read, and I def recommend giving it a shot. You can find it here.
MY familia (tios y padres) is in town for the week, which has been a blast.
My momma is visiting and I love her.
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